This site, like most websites, uses cookies. Learn more about the purpose of their use and how to change your browser’s cookie settings. By using the site you agree to the use of cookies, according to your current browser settings.

Policy on cookies and similar technologies

This site uses cookies and similar technologies, among other things, to customize the site to users’ needs, and for statistical purposes.

Cookies are also used by the services we link to when showing, for example, multimedia.

You can change your cookie settings in your web browser. Failure to change these settings means acceptance of the cookies used here.

Cookies are small text files sent by a website visited by an Internet user to the Internet user’s device.

This site uses performance cookies, i.e. cookies used to collect information about how the site is used so that it works better, and functional cookies, i.e. cookies that allow the site to “remember” user settings (e.g. language, font size). These include:- cookies – statistics for this site- cookies associated with the “AddThis Social Bookmarking Widget” plug-in, which is used to easily share content via social networks.Addthis privacy policy is described here: (when a user selects a site through which to share content from that site, cookies from that site will appear in the user’s browser)

– session cookies (expire at the end of the session)

The sites, the materials of which we present, may also use cookies that allow you to log in, and are used to provide advertisements corresponding to your tastes and behavior. In particular, such cookies

containing user preferences, and click counts (described in the privacy policy of

vimeo.comallowing you to log in, as well as cookies placed by advertisers allowing them to make the ads they display dependent on the user’s behavior (the cookie policy is available at

We place Like and Recommend/Share buttons linked to Facebook on the pages of this service. The user logs into Facebook, which has Facebook’s privacy policy. You can read these rules at

We place buttons on the pages of this Web site to add Twitter posts.When you add a post, you log in to Twitter, which has Twitter’s privacy policy. You can read these rules at

How can you manage your cookies?If you do not want to receive cookies, you can change your browser settings. We stipulate that disabling cookies that are necessary for Authentication, Security, maintaining User Preferences, will hinder the use of this website.To manage your cookie settings, select the web browser you are using from the list below and follow the instructions:- Internet Explorer

– Chrome

– Safari

– Firefox

– Opera

Mobile devices:

– Android

– Safari

– Windows Phone

– Blackberry

Flash cookies

Adobe’s Web site provides information on how to remove and disable Flash player cookies on specific domains:

Please note that restricting the use of Flash player cookies will likely affect the performance of Flash-based applications, while disabling Flash player cookies on sites will prevent most content from playing.